Our Community Roots

Massillon, Ohio natives Paul and Carol David met in their hometown in the late 1940s. While the family business became renowned worldwide, Paul and Carol remained dedicated to their city and surrounding Stark County communities.

The Importance of Community

Family & Neighborhood

Paul and Carol David, who came of age during the Great Depression, are descended from Lebanese immigrants. Paul also served in the Army during World War II. Both Paul and Carol were shaped by the close knit neighborhoods of their hometown, the city of Massillon, Ohio.

As the 10th child of 13 children in a family of 15, Paul fondly shared memories of his childhood and the wonderful times spent with his siblings, sharing home-cooked meals and visiting with relatives. While love and togetherness were abundant, Paul was exposed to the struggle of supporting a large family from a young age. He learned to work hard to make ends meet. This also meant that none of the David children had the financial means to attend college.

The Dance that Changed Everything

Carol had recently graduated from high school and was an office worker when she met Paul at a dance at the Massillon Slovak Club. 

They quickly fell in love and settled down to raise a family in the community they cherished. Paul passed away on November 7, 2002, at the age of 79. He left behind a legacy of good deeds and his love of family and community.

Hard Work. Success. Giving Back.

In the 1950s, music on vinyl records was the most popular way to listen. Paul seized the opportunity and began selling records to Canton area retail stores. His warehouse was the home that Paul and Carol shared with their growing family. His distribution method was the family’s 1956 Buick.

While Carol managed family life at home, Paul worked long hours to build the business. He eventually opened Stark Records, which evolved into Camelot Music that was part of the big wave of shopping malls and plazas that blossomed across the country – more than 400 over all.

Camelot was known around the world – but Paul and Carol were happy to deepen their roots in their hometown. They remained active in their childhood church. Their children went to local schools. And Paul – no matter how busy, no matter how far and wide he traveled – did his best to attend every Massillon Tigers football game he could.

The family grew. The company continually achieved more success. Paul and Carol gave back to local causes – schools, nonprofits and other worthy endeavors.

Helping Those Who Want to Achieve

Carol remembers that she and Paul began their marriage with very little money and resources. It was their religious faith and love for one another that helped to sustain them. And also – hard work and competition.

But their philosophy – especially the way Paul ran Camelot Music – was treating everyone fairly. That’s how Paul treated EVERY employee at all levels.

His philosophy: Everyone who wants to work hard and persist through challenge should have an opportunity to succeed.

Education Opportunities

Paul David’s older brother John was also a hard worker, intelligent and full of potential. Massillon high school coach Paul Brown recognized this virtue when John was a young man. Coach Brown offered him a scholarship.

John had to turn it down. I have to work now, help support the family, he said. Paul David remembered this story and vowed to one day change things…somehow.

Carol agreed. As Camelot Music thrived, so did the David Family’s means to give back to the community.

They began in their hometown – donating and eventually creating their scholarship program that was formalized in the establishment of the Paul and Carol David Foundation.

The Foundation’s benevolent reach expanded to nearby communities and decided to focus primarily on their native Stark County.

Roots Go Deep

The family and the Foundation believe that through their support – via grants and scholarships – people acquire the tools to become the best versions of themselves.

They become better citizens, build strong careers and most of all – have the opportunity to cultivate character that results in their giving back to their family and community….wherever that may be.

For Paul and Carol David, that community was in their church, city and nearby communities. There’s a saying: “Bloom where you are planted.” Stark County is the backdrop of the Paul and Carol David story. It continues to be the narrative of the Paul and Carol David Foundation.

It is their mission to help all people and organizations who receive their support to also bloom where they are planted.