
The Paul and Carol David Foundation partners with organizations whose mission is to serve and improve the lives of children and their families.

Who We Consider Partners

The Paul and Carol David Foundation was established as a platform to distribute scholarships and benefit local causes. The founders value services and causes rooted in Community, Health, Education, and Faith that serve to better the lives of children and families in their native Stark County, Ohio.

If you share that mission and want to discuss a partnership with the Paul and Carol David Foundation, contact us.

Proud Partnerships


We proudly benefit organizations that strengthen the Stark community.

Akron Children's Hospital logo

Paul & Carol David YMCA of Jackson Township

$1 million donation to build a full facility health and fitness center.

Akron Children's Hospital logo

Stark County Food Bank

Akron Children's Hospital logo

Boys & Girls Club of Massillon


We want to help serve more educational needs for students in our community.

Akron Children's Hospital logo

Massillon Washington High School

Financing the Paul Brown Tiger Stadium turf, the Training Center, and improving the library sound system.

Akron Children's Hospital logo

Walsh University

Major benefactor for the Paul and Carol David Campus Center community building.


We are ready to support the health needs of local children and families.

Akron Children's Hospital logo

Akron Children’s Hospital

Gift to create the Paul and Carol David Foundation Burn Institute.


We aim to reduce financial burdens for area faith-based missions.

Akron Children's Hospital logo

St. Vincent DePaul Society

Support for St. Joseph’s parishioners, especially those in need during the holiday season.

Let’s Partner to Help Children and Families of Stark County

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